Wednesday, April 22, 2009

me too.

You are my hero,
Everyday with you is a blessing,
Everything you do is the best,

So, is it really bad to want to be like you,
Even if it kills me too?

Monday, April 6, 2009

don't hesitate.

time goes by,
times flies by.
i close my eyes,
time stands still.
i open my eyes,
time fast forwards.
looking to my left,
the world spins,
i have an idea now,
the world still turns,
time is of the essence,
the world never yearns.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ms. Andee Anderson

i know her as Andee, but she goes by Ginger. anyway, a name could never fully encompass all of her complete awesomenessness. yes, i said it. when i first started to help in her class, i never expected to meet such a wonderful person. i just wanted an art class to be in so i asked her and thankfully she said yes. good thing too because that was my last hope. and now that i think about it, i don't know who i'd be if she would have said no and sent me along. she's been the amaZing person that she is ever since that first day. i look forward to her class everyday, even when i don't have it till the next day. it's like my "freedom space", i feel natural in it. she listens to most of the same music i do. her life stories sound like adventures(i love her stories). no matter what it is, i feel like i could talk to her about it. talk about an inspiration, more like a superhero. no joke here, i know for a fact that she is Flash. shhhhh! haha. when she does art, i can tell it's real, she connects, there's intensity in her silence. it's something you feel when you're around her. a sense of truth. she's done so much for me in so many ways. she has taught me a real understanding and appreciation of art, to the point where i'm at the brink of tears in awe of it (i'm such a sap). she's opened up another creative side of me. she has showed me that if you want to do something, you have to "go for it" and it doesn't matter how big the canvas is. =) she reminds me that "mistakes" are not the end of the world. she gives me hope in a way that only she knows. but above all, she shows me that true friendship, trust and loyalty still exist in this "wild world". she is truly beautiful, inside and out. i can only dream that some day i'll look back on all this and be able to do the same for someone else.

very sincerely,
moi, t

insight on my ignorant moods

These people are the reason many of us can live so comfortably and blissfully ignorant of their exsistance. Sometimes I become one of those people; walking around complaining all day and being ungreatful. I mean, it's so easy to just sit back and pick out all the bad things in the moment, but when I take a step back and some time out, i realize that things could be worse and aren't actually as bad as i make them out to be. I think if I could just stop and realize when i'm becoming ignorant and just take a breather, I would be a much happier person.

...much thanks to you...

Have you ever stoped and just thought about how you got to where you are in your life? How you became so artistically gifted or how you came to read so well? It's because of those (often times) invisible people that give time and energy from their lives to be there for you, wether you noticed and appreciated or not. Teachers, friends, loves, family members and even random strangers sometimes. It amazeses me that so much of my life is influenced by others. It's weird because I go through life thinking, "ok, so what decision am I going to make about this?" and in a way, it's already been made for me. I don't mean to say that others control me, but that they make all my decisions, or present all my situations rather, and I do know that it's my decision about how to react to my situations. But to everyone that has influenced me in my past, influences me currently and will influence my future, positively and negatively, I just want to say thanks. sincerely. why? because I love myself and the way I am, and I do realize that the world has a great deal to do with that.