Friday, May 8, 2009

allowed to love

am i wrong or is my love mine?
let me elaborate. I mean to say, do i not have a right to love whoever i want to?
i thought i did, apparently, it's not so.
i don't know what makes people think they can tell me who to love and who not to, or what's "right" and what's "wrong". i mean really people, you know who you are, your opinion means nothing to me other than just that, your opinion. i'll decide weather or not i wish to entertain it with my consideration.
I know who i am. I know what's "right" and "wrong" for me. and that's all that matters really, me.
It's sounds self-absorbant, this i know, but in the end that's all i have and you people have continuously proved that to be true.

I will love who I will.